Distinctive features of PDF-T-Maker
Typical PDF converters create a PDF file with just the same functionality as it is provided by a print-out: You can read the whole text and view all images. PDF-T-Maker goes the crucial step beyond and provides interactivity to your PDF file: Bookmarks lead the reader quickly to the sections, a click onto a cross reference opens the destination of it, etc.
PDF-T-Maker can be configured as a one-click solution for any suitable PostScript-to-PDF converter. This means: When you want to convert your WinWord document into PDF, you just click the start button, and PDF-T-Maker does the rest.
PDF-T-Maker comes with an extensive manual (PDF file), which is linked as context sensitive online help into the user interface: [Help] buttons call up the PDF help, you will be presented with the page which is relevant in the current context.
Meta information
The interactivity of the PDF file is based on the meta information already available in the Word document. PDF-T-Maker converts for example the following meta information:
Thereby certain PDF document settings can be predefined, such as the design of PDF hyperlinks (visible/invisible, box type etc.).
Batch- processing of Word files
If you have a larger number of word files, you may convert them automatically to PostScript and PDF, if all of them are located below a common subdirectory. This means, you do not have to open each file individually — PDF-T-Maker does this job for you.
Conversion automation
PDF-T-Maker may be included in an automatic conversion solution. This may for example include that the Word file to be converted is opened by the automatic conversion solution (e.g. via the DOS prompt), so that PDF-T-Maker can take care of the conversion and finally close Word again. Up to Word XP, this was possible just using features provided by PDF-T-Maker. Unfortunately, since then Microsoft has changed Word in a way, that more complex solutions are required.
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